Monday, May 13, 2019

"This is the stupidest decision you have ever made"

10 April 2019

We were sitting at a family Friday night discussing my upcoming trip, some months after telling my family I was leaving for India, and my dad – who had not mentioned a word about my plans – entered the conversation.  He explained that he had something that he needed to say, and looked at me and said. “Ryan, I think this is the stupidest decision you have ever made”.  Thanks Dad for the support.

Looking past all the love and sappiness of his 12-word outburst, I could understand his logic.   What kind of life choice is it for a 31-year-old, well-qualified (half) lawyer, in a stable job, and upward-trending career, to pack up and go trekking around India with no particular plan, itinerary, or return date.  And India???  Don’t they eat people and pray to cows there?  London, sure.  The States, perhaps, but what is a good, Jewish boy going to do in India?

Thankfully, he has warmed up to the idea (or at least been slightly swayed), because he, and my mum have made a point of telling ever person they encounter that their son is going on this extended “year”-away, expecting to receive some validation for their concern, or even better, hoping for people to offer to pray for my soul.  Yet, it would seem that most people found the prospect exciting, and could only wish me well and that it would be an adventure of a lifetime.

The support from family, friends and colleagues has gone on to validate this thinking.  The reactions of people have been most interesting.  Some are jealous that they were not doing it; others swore they were not ‘brave’ enough, but commended me on my ‘courage’; and most people, overall, believe that it’s a great opportunity and decision.

However. having moved my father on this position (albeit however slightly), and with the absolute support of those around me, why is it that I feel like his initial thoughts may have been right.  As I sit in the airport bar, I think of the seeming absurdity of this journey, and can understand any reasonable parent’s apprehensions: give up stability and a paycheck every month; give up comfort, both financially and practically, and move to a country I have never been, without a concrete plan or guide. 

Yet, these are exactly (some of) the reasons that convinced me to ‘take the plunge’ initially.  One needs to test oneself against themselves.  Where better to do it, than in a place so foreign to what one knows and is comfortable with.  To those who ask why, my answer is to challenge myself, my thoughts, beliefs, and ideals.  It is to experience, connect, and interact with a new world and have new adventures.  It is to question my current journey, and perhaps forge a new direction.  However, and most importantly, it is to run with the camels, drink water from the Ganges, and get a face tattoo (henna Dad).

Welcome to my blog.  This is where I will keep those interested up to date with my travels and experiences, and share advice to those wishing to do the same.  It is also a place to share my thoughts, some introspective, and some silly (most silly).  Please take anything I write with the pinch of salt that it was intended to.  If anything offends you, my best advice is to stop reading and go play outside.  Please feel free to share, and comment, I would love to hear from all of you back (in your respective) home.

1 comment:

  1. Best decision you ever made bro!

    I’ll bet you R50 (3938747 rupees)
